The new word for the next light and colour is "New"! Aspire, new adventures, new love, new haircut, new friends, new books, new music, new coffee, new tasty food, new good moments, new crazy moments, new shoes, new colours, new dream, new horizons... Never stop to bring something new to your life!
Have a nice week.
Light: Is time to give a hand to the ones that need you more.
Colour: Smile. There's still hope.
Is the time of the year where Hope is everywhere. Be part of this project, showing us what "hope" means to you with #mylightandcolour on social media. Don't forget tell us your opinion about this project in the comments section below. Have a good week!
The next word from Light and Colour is "HOPE".
"Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Shawshank Redemption.
The Christmas let have HOPE in people.